University for Life and Peace

The University for Life and Peace – Fulfilling Chan and Manifesting Avatamsaka

The University for Life and Peace – Fulfilling Chan and Manifesting Avatamsaka- MasterHsinTao

Everything in this world is "the mere projection of the mind, the mere appearances of consciousnesses". None of it is independent from the principle of cause and effect. In the ever-changing karma, everyone is linked to one another. Shackled by karmic chains, we are intertwined together. On the contrary, we can attain Buddhahood under the link of aspiration.

The University for Life and Peace – Fulfilling Chan and Manifesting Avatamsaka It is also determined by our outlook on the world. We can appreciate the appearances displayed by cause and effect with the understanding of karmic law. Our innate clarity and awareness will come forth pervasively. That way, we can look at the world through the lens of Chan. This is also the outlook that the University for Life and Peace is promoting. A university is where “big learning” takes place. Buddhadharma is also big learning about life.

The University for Life and Peace – Fulfilling Chan and Manifesting Avatamsaka- MasterHsinTaoThe quintessential teaching of the University for Life and Peace is the education on optimizing life through Chan. With Chan, Avatamsaka is presented. We can analogize Chan as “curling in” and Avatamsaka as “unfurling out”. Chan is unity while Avatamsaka is the interconnected diversity. When all conditions come together, this is the manifestation of Avatamsaka. We can uncover our minds through Chan. Avatamsaka is openness and display. The diversity of religion offers the uniqueness of different faiths. Many religions share common doctrines. We can see the beauty of diversity and appreciate the manifestation of diverse wisdom. 

The University for Life and Peace – Fulfilling Chan and Manifesting Avatamsaka The University for Life and Peace is more than just a concept. It is a platform to introduce the great wisdom, the Great Perfection (Dzogchen), and the Mahamudra. The mind is the world and vice versa. Diversity is oneness and vice versa. Starting from the realization of Chan, we can eventually unfold the spirit of Avatamsaka.