From January 27-31, 2021, the Nagarjuna Education for Peace and Life held a program for youths. The organization takes the name "Nargajuna" in hopes of adhering to the wisdom of Bodhisattva Nagarjuna. He is revered highly by eight schools of tradition who expertise in Sutrayana and Vajrayana teachings. We hope to inspire people to emulate the spirit of bodhisattvas – to attain Buddhahood and guide others to enlightenment.
We have a newcomer in the first grade of the program this year. For beginners, it is important to pave the right path by appropriating one's view. The fundamental view is the noble eightfold path. Through the learning of the noble eightfold path, one would know how to become a good practitioner and Buddhist.
The three higher trainings of ethical disciplines, meditative stabilization, and wisdom are a crucial foundation. Ethical disciplines help one to prevent nonvirtues and engage in virtues. Meditative stabilization helps to control and tame oneself. Wisdom allows one to think flexibly from different aspects, internalize concepts, and transform them into emptiness.
Hence, beginners must study the noble eightfold path: By following the path, one would become a genuine practitioner who would experience the joy of Dharma and the refreshing feeling. The more we practice and experience Dharma, we'd agree that "there are no troubles at all but we look for troubles". When we encounter Dharma, we've also found the way of happiness, liberation, stabilization, and felicity.
Not only should we strive on a personal level, we must encourage others who also wish for happiness, liberation, stabilization, and ease. Offer the opportunities for others to learn so they also generate the faith in Dharma learning.