The Four Dharma Seal (including the seal of reality) taught by the Buddha is to attest the reality of Dharma. As stated in Buddha’s transmission verse to Mahakashyapa:
“The original dharma of all dharma is no-dharma,
The dharma of no-dharma is also a dharma,
Now, when no-dharma is transmitted,
How can this dharma be the dharma?”
Dharma teachings are presented in 84,000 approaches for different beings to be free from sufferings and obtain the ultimate happiness. In our daily life, there are favorable and unfavorable causes and conditions. The latter one often outnumbers the former. “Unfavorable” means the obstacles on the path. Therefore, the Buddha has taught about the taming of maras and dispelling obstacles. While there are rites for clearing obstacles, this particular activity is also manifested in the appearances of deities and bodhisattvas. Black symbolizes the subjugation of hostile forces. That is why many wrathful deities are presented in black. The statue of the black-faced Tara monuments at the Wu Sheng Monastery of Ling Jiou Mountain signifies such emphasis.
Conch is one of the Eight Auspicious Symbols that represents the far-reaching sound of the Dharma teachings. There are left and right coiled ones, the former one is rarer and used for making offering. One of my Dharma names is “Pelgi Dorje (auspicious vajra)”, meaning clearing obstacles. My mantra is “om ah hum, hsin tao, bodhi, siddhi, hum pweh svaha”, which means “purifying body, speech, and mind; realizing the way to the heart; may all be cleared of obstacles for accomplishment”.
Dispelling obstacles and increasing merits are two different activities. Increasing is to accumulate merits and virtues. Dispelling obstacles is to subjugate and transform the elements of earth, water, fire, and wind (of all aspects). There have been many turning points in my life, where the seemingly negative situations are transformed into increasing activity. In other words, I have been doing a job of “shifting”. In early days, many people came to me with problems or illness, hoping for a change. There were also imprudent individuals who were very much troubled by their own nonvirtuous body, speech, and mind conducts. They visited me in hope to stay away from Asura Realm-like of situations.
Although I wished to help mitigate these negative conditions, there were still imperfections in terms of resources. For that, I felt very sorry. What I have noticed from these stories is that – to overcome obstacles, one must be 100% loving, kind, and compassionate. Do not feel discouraged or lacking of love. If you do not have the sensitivity and tenderness for sentient beings, they are unlikely to be touched or convinced.
How do we maintain a loving attitude amidst of challenges? This isn’t easy. My students often asked, “How do we be happy when caught in difficulties?” I answered, “With love, you’d find resources all around and you can get anywhere without troubles.” They persisted, “Aren’t the people and relations being the main obstacle of all?” I replied, “If you can love completely and fully during hardships, that would actually turn into a great blessing – a counteracting auspiciousness. There would be times where you handle matters inappropriately. Even if no big harms are made, there are still inadequacies with complications which are unperfected.”
People encounter “unfavourability” due to obstacles in mind. At moment like this, do we give up on loving kindness? Should your compassion contains selfishness, obstacles are resulted. Hence, we should apply compassion and love thoroughly without any discount.
With attachments, there come obstacles – which are the products of your discounted compassion and love. Difficult times are also the opportunities to test our fullness of compassion and love. “Give 100% of love and compassion at all times,” this is the definition of compassion. Keep this in mind on your bodhisattva path.
People asked, “How do you love 100% for an enemy or someone that you don’t like? Is that possible?” In fact, it is the matter of time, conditions, and opportunities. Perhaps the both of you have not clicked yet. Once the causes and conditions interplay, you would have the opportunity to transform. Regardless, your entire compassion and love for sentient beings are never deterred. You wouldn’t say that Guan Yin’s love is discounted or Buddha’s love is compromised, right? Hence, there should be evaluation for this matter.
The black-faced Tara at Ling Jiou Mountain and my mantra epitomize subjugation in the Four Activities (pacifying, increasing, magnetizing, and subjugating). Subjugation is a mean of transformation based on compassion. For instance, some parents would use corporal punishment hoping the children can learn a lesson and be good. It is an alternative method of compassion.