- Part of "The Spiritual Ecology" Series, authored by Master Hsin Tao
When we return to the origin of spirituality to immerse in the power of an all-knowing awareness, we will tangibly perceive the Earth as a living community. We can practice meditation, go for spiritual training, chant mantras, and say prayers to rid our souls of impurities to (re-)join spirituality, fortify goodness, and turn back the clock for our planet by employing the vibration via the frequency of quantum resonance.
Individual spiritual practice will naturally lead to a broader ecological awakening. Science and technology, put to good use based on spirituality, are capable of optimizing efficiency beyond expectations to heal our planet.
Disciples of spirituality are naturally concerned about what is happening in the world, and they express that concern by showing Love. Such Love helps prevent suffering from happening and is perhaps even more helpful in soothing traumatized souls after the fact. Though not an expert or scholar, I am always on the giving end when misfortune strikes. I take the initiative in the hope that others will follow suit in creating that same-frequency vibration via spirituality resonance for Earth-healing, and the act of “Global Ecological Ethics” will continue to find expression in nature's laws such as a diversified symbiosis and an interdependent co-existence. Therefore, keeping sustainability of the Earth at the forefront of our minds remains our top priority.