Chan Practice

Adjust for the Better

Adjust for the Better-MasterHsinTaoThe biggest setback about the Information Age is the absence of a holistic value. We lose our nature very easily. So, we must rediscover human nature, restore proper social values, morality, and social order.

From the level of faith, we should restore the traditional education of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism for our future generations. This would serve as an excellent guide on educating the interconnectedness of life. Confucianism helps to strengthen our interpersonal relations. Taoism emphasizes the link between mankind and the universe. Buddhism is to cultivate our wisdom. Back in the agricultural age, people were simpler and innocent. In their environment of simplicity, their six sensory faculties could have direct contact with nature. The coexistence was natural with a deep connection made.

Adjust for the Better-MasterHsinTaoPeople in the city today have framed their life within the cellphone. The screen is everything. While there is too much information, people get worried about not catching up or handling new information. Not being able to relax, they get depressed and anxious. Over time, a new disorder of this age is developed. The panic disorder or anxiety over social media. It’d be good to take a break after using social media for a while. Allow your body and mind to relax. Enjoy a cup of coffee, listen to music, do some gardening, whichever makes you relax.

Adjust for the Better-MasterHsinTaoAs a matter of fact, the best solution is Chan practice. Calm your mind down. Try not to think about anything. Allow yourself to relax in clarity. Do your practice quietly. Some Japanese entrepreneurs practice Chan in the morning. Employees sit in meditation before work. Stabilize the mind so you can work with logic instead of mood. Applying rationality is also a compassionate way to deal with matters.

I think that people nowadays should have more contact with nature and other people. That way, one can feel the value of life. In particular, children are too spoiled now. Many have become aggressive without gratitude. As a result, they cannot be a cooperative member of society. How do we encourage children to appreciate nature? How do they discover the inner value from the conventional education of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism? How to uphold that sense of gratitude? These would all rely on the guidance of faith to cultivate.