
The Buddhist Voyage beyond Death

The Buddhist Voyage beyond Death


In The Buddhist Voyage Beyond Death: Living Nirvana, Ven. Master Hsin Tao, a distinguished Mahayana and Vajrayana monk from Taiwan (founder of the Museum of World Religions; honored guest of the Parliament of World Religions and the World Peace Summit of Religious and Spiritual Leaders) offers the cure for the innate human dread of death. The Master’s teachings aim to alleviate readers’ dread of death, to illuminate the sources of their daily distress, and to empower their emotional lives as well as personal happiness. The Buddhist Voyage Beyond Death provides an answer to those grappling with their life difficulties amid negative emotions of fear, anxiety, anger, and insecurity.


Ven. Master Hsin Tao’s The Buddhist Voyage Beyond Death is exceptional in its philosophical richness and comprehensiveness and its unique style. Integrating the wisdom of a living Buddhist Master--his cosmological vision, the philosophy of both Mahayana and Vajrayana, and deep meditative practice— The Buddhist Voyage Beyond Death offers readers not only a rewarding understanding of the Buddhist cosmos, but also distinctive insights into the esoteric concepts of karma, memory matrix, the dying process, and transmigration. The approach is both poetic and philosophical, simple yet profound.


心道法師為台灣靈鷲山開山大和尚,2001年創立世界宗教博物館,並曾應邀於世界宗教會議與世界和平高峰會議中演講。在英文版《觀生死即涅槃》(The Buddhist Voyage beyond Death: Living Nirvana)一書中,心道法師點出人性中最深層的問題:對死亡的恐懼、我執、貪欲、迷惑,與痛苦。這些問題跨越文化與種族,使人心糾結,猶如墮入火山熔岩深淵般煎熬。心道法師為此人性苦海提供解藥,帶領人心從飽受煎熬的情感世界走向幸福的綠洲,法師直指人心的法教,為千萬於不安、恐懼、怨恨中浮沈的心靈,提供了一個充滿洞見的答案。



