August 14, 2019, marked the concluding day of the the Water, Land, Air Dharma Assembly. A ceremony for sending off the sublime beings was performed. I'm very happy that all of you could attend this gathering. The program was designed with seven-day of consecutive pujas. Surely, all of you must be tired but filled with infinite joy inside. From the Sub-shrines to Emperor Liang Shrine (Grand Shrine) and the Inner Shrine, each has its respective auspiciousness. The vibe is unique.
A strong typhoon hit Taiwan during the assembly that created troubles for oversea participants. They still arrived safely despite all the challenges. By overcoming these obstacles, they’ve also received a special experience and blessing. The moment of sending off the sublime beings had come. After this, all of us are going back to our ordinary life. As we've learned to be a bodhisattva, took the refuge vow and the five precepts of the laity – our life is transformed to be free from afflictions. Be sure to apply what you've learned from the assembly in daily life.
This is puja of transforming mundanity into sublimity. All of you could learn the transformation of daily life. However, we must learn the "know-how" to do so. Without proper learning, we wouldn't know-how. Sentient beings would learn to part from suffering and obtain the ultimate happiness. Many masters had offered such teaching with their best efforts to everyone. May all of you find the joy of Dharma.
Usually, we are occupied with errands to make a living. It seems that every little thing could stir up a chain of affliction. We keep sowing the seed of affliction back and forth. They are planted broadly and deeply. By the teachings that were given at the assembly, which include: offering to Dharmapalas and monastic sanghas; life liberation; grand food offering, and all the meritorious offerings to the sublime and lower realm beings. These can transform consciousness into wisdom. Likewise, our karmic life can transform into an aspirational one.
This very moment of sending off sublime beings must be observed with sincerity, "Sending off the sacred ones on the clouds. Reciting the name of Amitabha as guidance.” Everyone should recite the name of Amitabha one-pointedly. May all sentient beings suffer no more.
We should help them to arrive in the Pure Land of Amitabha. This would rely on our focused and collective recitation. Sentient beings have been accumulating merits up until this point. Yet, some of them might feel attached to their loved ones in the last moment, which would hinder them from going to the Pure Land. It would be like a computer freezes all the sudden. Therefore, our sincere recitation can be a helping hand. Sublime beings return to pure Dharmadhatu. Ancestors, connected retinues, and beings of the six realms can take rebirth in the Pure Land of Amitabha.
At the Water, Land, Air Dharma Assembly, we continue to perform activities of transformation. Allow our mind to return home. There are lots of decoding with our karmic debts for our mind to return. Whether it’s the four classes of sublime beings or sentient beings of the six realms, loved or resented ones – all attended this gathering of reconciliation. Let us immerse in the virtuous intentions and fulfill virtuous acts. All the karmic gratitude and grudges are softened. Carry on the Dharmic memories collected over the week into our daily life. Allow right mindfulness to take effect on our living, career, and more. What is "right mindfulness"? The constant awakening. Live our life with virtuous deeds. That way, the data to enter the Pure Land is created. Hopefully, all of us can return to the Pure Land of this Dharma assembly. It is the Buddhafield of the Water, Land, Air Dharma Assembly.
I’d encourage you all to sign up every year and bring those around you. Provide them with the opportunity to experience the joy of clearing karmic debts. Let's pass on the positive karmic gene continuously. This can brighten up our lives and Dharmadhatu. As we meet again every year at the assembly, your joy and happiness are witnessed.